cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


Re: [PATCH] --ignore-content-length

From: Jamie Lokier <>
Date: Wed, 24 Aug 2005 21:22:45 +0100

Toby Peterson wrote:
> It's not enabled by default - the user must explicitly specify it, as
> there is no way (that I can see) to automatically determine that the
> server is stupid. Can't trust the Server header these days...

Does the server always send "Connection: close" when it's sending a
file with broken Content-Length like this?

If so, you could always ignore the Content-Length header on responses
which have "Connection: close" and no Transfer-Encoding - or even
better, accept additional data but complain if there's not enough data.

-- Jamie
Received on 2005-08-24