aborting curl_easy_perform()
Date: Mon, 22 Aug 2005 09:39:08 +1000
I have the need to abort a curl_easy_perform() instantly, or close to
it, at any time during it's operation, whether connecting, transferring,
or waiting for a timeout.
I have seen this a lot on the mailing list, and as far as I know this is
still not an available feature. Is this true?
From what I have read, the suggestion has been to return an error from
within a callback. However, there are times (such as waiting for a
connection) when no callback is called. This is, I believe, a fairly
typical situation. I have a multi-threaded program, and one of the
threads is initiating or executing a transfer. Other threads, oblivious
to this, may be operating a control panel or some other UI component
which, at the user's whim, may be clicked and cause the chosen transfer
to immediately terminate. I can't have the user "waiting" for this. It
needs to be instant.
I am going to implement some method of doing this and send a patch.
However, I wanted to be SURE that nobody else is implementing the same
thing, or that there is no better way before I spend the time doing so.
My method will be to create a new curl_easy_setopt called
CURLOPT_ABORTFLAG, which is called like this:
volatile long abort_flag = 0;
curl_easy_setopt(curlhandle, CURLOPT_ABORTFLAG, (long)&abort_flag);
At any time, any asynchronous thread can set abort flag to 1 in order to
cause CURL to abort the current operation.
Is this reasonable?
Received on 2005-08-22