cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


Awaiting an Answer for Wiin 32 Install

From: T kyer <>
Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2005 23:50:58 +0200

The Dev C++/lib folder contains only *.a & *.o library
files none of the *.lib variety. I also checked under
google for libcurl.lib. Found mention of this file but no
file download.

"That looks totally wrong. -lcurl would be a linker option,
not a file. You probably also need to use -L in combination
with -l."
I also tried Dev C++ Project options/Parameters/Links I
inserted -lcurl as a parameter with no results. I'm not
sure about the -L. Are these (-lcurl,-L) seperated by
commas and what is their purpose.

I'm getting the same errors:
 Circular "Libcurl <- "Libcurl dependency dropped.
 Circular Test <- "Libcurl dependency dropped.
 Circular Test <- Test dependency dropped.
 [Build Error] No rule to make target `2.o"', needed by
`Test'. Stop.

If I ever get thru installing libcurl properly I WILL write
a cookbook style instruction page so that nobody else has
to go thru this frustration.

Any help would be appreciated.



On Wed, 22 Jun 2005, T kyer wrote:

I created a project with the file listed below and under
Dev C++ Project options/Parameters/Links I inserted both
F:/Programming Tools/Dev-C++ 5/Dev-Cpp/lib/libcurl.a"

libcurl.a doesn't sound like a static lib for Windows.
They're normalled called .lib. Or am I wrong?

and for good measure
F:/Programming Tools/Dev-C++ 5/Dev-Cpp/lib/-lcurl"

That looks totally wrong. -lcurl would be a linker option,
not a file. You probably also need to use -L in combination
with -l.

since I'm not interested in the dynamic library I stopped

Figure out where your libcurl.lib is and use that properly.

-- Commercial curl and libcurl Technical Support:
Received on 2005-06-22