cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


libcurl crash - curl_easy_perform() ???

From: Pedro Neves <>
Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2005 18:35:32 +0100

Dear all,

I am having a terrible problem with my software. I have already sent an
email in the last week, and I got some problems that were corrected by a
member. However, the main problem is still there. I would appreciate if
someone can help me.

I am using libcurl to perform GET operations to an equipment. When I
perform the GET operations, sometimes the libcurl is blocked and my
program stops. If I look to the reply packet in ethereal I can see that
the reply to the GET message was completely sent to me by the external
equipment, but libcurl was not able to process/write it. Everytime I
want to perform a GET operation, I am opening the file file to write,
and after the reception of the reply message I am closing the file and
performing an fflush(). However, I still have the problem. I copy in
this email a small part of the code (sorry for this) for someone to give
me a hand:

struct textfile
        char *filename;
        FILE *writestream;


struct textfile file = {"teste.txt", NULL};


for(mt_ss_elem_find = mt_ss_elem_head; mt_ss_elem_find != NULL;
mt_ss_elem_find = mt_ss_elem_find->next)
&(mt_ss_elem_find->ss.SS_IPv4_remote_addr), SS_IPv4_remote_addr,

/ file.writestream = fopen(file.filename, "w");/
                fprintf(stderr, " Adding MT MAC address to SS SF0
/ curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_URL, url_mac_addr_config);
                curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA,
                fprintf(stderr, " completed\n");

  / file.writestream = fopen(file.filename, "w");/
                fprintf(stderr, " Adding MT NS address to SS SF0
    / curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_URL, url_mac_addr_config);
                curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA,
                fprintf(stderr, " completed\n");


This is a small part of the program. Maybe I am doing something wrong in
the curl_easy_perform() function.

Thanks in advance for the time and for the help.

Best Regards,
Pedro Neves
Received on 2005-06-21