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Re: curl_easy_init with c-ares, but without nameservers?

From: Andreas Rieke <>
Date: Sun, 07 Nov 2004 14:02:37 +0100

Hi Daniel,

before starting to debug, I should be a little more precise about my
problem. When seeing curl_easy_init returning NULL, I was working with
the windows application thinking that linux will behave in the same way.
After testing things under linux without any nameservers defined in
/etc/resolv.conf, I see that curl_easy_init returns with a valid CURL *
and returns an error "couldnt resolve host name" when trying to resolve
a name later. This is exactly what I am dreaming about :-) .

However, I have seen the windows problem on different machines under XP
and 2000, thus I do not think that this is a local configuration
problem. Does that already help you or should I try to debug ares_init?

By the way, in your file areslib.mak in vc/areslib, the modules
ares_version and ares_cancel are missing.



Daniel Stenberg wrote:

> On Sun, 7 Nov 2004, Andreas Rieke wrote:
> (cc'ing this to the c-ares list as well)
>> When using cURL with c-ares, curl_easy_init returns NULL in my
>> environment without nameservers, and as far as I can see, this is
>> because ares_init is called from within curl_easy_init. I assume that
>> ares_init is not able to find any nameservers and thus refuses working.
> Any change you can debug this a bit? I don't see how c-ares can fail
> in a situation like this with a good reason. First, a name server can
> be gone and then come back, but perhaps most importantly I think it
> should be able to resolve names using the standard hosts files
> nonetheless.
Received on 2004-11-07