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Re: problem within libcurl configure

From: Dan Fandrich <>
Date: Mon, 25 Oct 2004 13:33:46 -0700

On Mon, Oct 25, 2004 at 03:02:29PM +0000, Iris Jing wrote:
> Hi Dan,
> I tried to get the upgraded krb5-devel-1.2.7-14 and krb5-libs-1.2.7-14
> installed
> And these are some info regarding the current version of krb5 on the server:
> ====================={ Stdout }=========================
> [user_at_host curl-7.12.1]$ rpm -qf /usr/kerberos/lib/
> krb5-devel-1.2.7-14
> [user_at_host curl-7.12.1]$ rpm -V krb5-libs
> .......T c /etc/krb5.conf
> .......T c /etc/rc.d/init.d/kdcrotate
> ..5....T /usr/kerberos/lib/
> ..5....T /usr/kerberos/lib/
> ..5....T /usr/kerberos/lib/
> S.5....T /usr/kerberos/lib/
> ..5....T /usr/kerberos/lib/
> ..5....T /usr/kerberos/lib/
> ..5....T /usr/kerberos/lib/
> ..5....T /usr/kerberos/lib/
> S.5....T /usr/kerberos/lib/
> ..5....T /usr/kerberos/lib/
> ..5....T /usr/kerberos/lib/
> ..5....T /usr/kerberos/lib/
> .......T /usr/kerberos/share/gnats/mit
> ============{ End of Stdout }=================
> Do you think that we did something wrong for this upgrade? Is there
> anything more
> I can do to fix this error (GLIBC)?

That RPM log is very fishy. The '5' in the left side means that the MD5
checksum is incorrect for that file, i.e. the file contents is not what was
in the RPM. The 'T' means that just the file time is different, which is
an artifact of the way RPM upgrades files that haven't changed from
one package to another. It looks like either a) someone has installed more
than one the krb5 library package, or b) someone compiled the krb5
libraries from source and installed them overtop of the existing libraries
without using an RPM.

Try the command:
 rpm -qf /usr/kerberos/lib/

to see which RPM that file (one of the incorrect ones from your log)
comes from. If you get two package names, the problem is a). If you get
one package name, the problem is b). In either case, you should uninstall
the package(s) with rpm -e --nodeps to get the files off your machine
altogether, then install the known good version you downloaded.

>>> Dan

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Received on 2004-10-25