Re: Flag to know if the curl object used apreviouslyopenedconnection
Date: Fri, 15 Oct 2004 17:39:37 +0100
> I came to think of an even better: CURLINFO_NUM_CONNECTS
> Return the number of new connections made in the last request. So, if
> was a single connection that was re-used, the counter would be 0 and for
> new connection made it would be increased. That would typically be 1, but
> be a larger number if there's a number of redirects.
Oups, actually I started on that and then forgot it when I went further for
the complex table corresponding to true/false for each connection in the
right order.
I suppose we dont really care about this "order", the information about how
many connects had to be created is sufficient enough for everyone ?
So Ill do that :
Ill wait until monday if anybody else have any preference (joerg ?).
----- Original Message -----
From: "Daniel Stenberg" <>
To: "libcurl development" <>
Sent: Thursday, October 14, 2004 7:39 PM
Subject: Re: Flag to know if the curl object used
> On Wed, 13 Oct 2004, Guillaume Arluison wrote:
> > If we still want to debate on a third (or more) state I can also propose
> > something more clever mixed with CURLINFO_REDIRECT_COUNT.
> > option B) use the bits of the long :
> > each bit for each redirect saying
> > 0 -> had to create a connection
> > 1 -> reused a previously opened connection
> I came to think of an even better: CURLINFO_NUM_CONNECTS
> Return the number of new connections made in the last request. So, if
> was a single connection that was re-used, the counter would be 0 and for
> new connection made it would be increased. That would typically be 1, but
> be a larger number if there's a number of redirects.
> > Let me know for which option A, C or even B you re up.
> I personally have no use for any of these options, I'm hoping for you or
> anyone else to say "I prefer THIS".
> > And if needed your wish about enums/simple defines for the long/char
> I'm fine with either way. curl_easy_getinfo() will "return" a long anyway.
> --
> Daniel Stenberg -- --
> Dedicated custom curl help for hire:
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