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Re: Flag to know if the curl object used a previously opened connection

From: Jean-Philippe Barrette-LaPierre <>
Date: Mon, 11 Oct 2004 13:27:15 -0400

On October 11, 2004 01:02 pm, Guillaume Arluison wrote:
> libcurl is clever enough to spool the connections (5 by default) to be
> re-used if available. I need to mimic the behaviour of a 'classic' browser
> so this is really cool. When using the CURLOPT_VERBOSE to 1 one can see
> when the engine reused the connection or had to open a new one. I would
> like to "know" this with a simple flag in my code. I looked for all the
> options in curl_easy_getinfo but didnt find any. And of course dont want to
> use VERBOSE in production and look at the file generated.

I don't know if your project is in C++, but CVS version of cURLpp (C++ wrapper
of libcurl), allow you to retreive values set on options.

Jean-Philippe Barrette-LaPierre
Maintener of cURLpp (
Received on 2004-10-11