Server Response Confusing ??
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 2004 01:46:36 -0700 (PDT)
I am writing a small httpd. which communicates with a client using libcurl.
Server :
After dup (ing) the sockd to stdin, stdout and stderr.
I will read the data into buf. After reading the data.
I dont want the client to wait. so, i close all the descriptors.
after saying 200 OK.
After which i will work on the data read.
I just want to execute some commands in the remote machine.
I am not interested in thier returned values.
But easy_perform () is returning error.
and curl_easy_getinfo returns response code = 0 ;
What is the problem with my httpd.
please advice.
close (0) ; dup (sockd) ;
close (1) ; dup (sockd) ;
close (2) ; dup (sockd) ;
close (sockd) ;
buf = readData ( ) ;
printf ("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n") ;
printf ("Content-Type: text/plain\n\n") ;
close (0) ; close (1) ; close (2) ;
/* do work */
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