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Re: How can i use libcurl from

From: Guenter Knauf <>
Date: Sun, 15 Aug 2004 14:58:26 +0200

Hi Alex,
> i love curl and it kind of sux being stuck with php and the cmd line
> version
> and i am not good in c or c++ and i haven't used perl ever since i figured
> php was better and i know vb6 by heart and learning and i have a
> program that uses threads but the http functions suck big time, so how can
> i
> do this? i mean access curl from compile a dll version of curl or
> what? plus all these curl compilation instructions r waaaaay over my head
> so can somebody help me if thats the case

hmm, ok, it might be a long way until you are ready to compile, depending on what you all want to have:
- you need to compile zlib first if you want zlib support
- you need to compile openssl first if you want to have SSL support.

you need a Win32 compiler; I'd suggest you use MingW32 which is free and compact, with only less than 10MB you get a fully working Win32 native compiler.

also, since I was just yesterday anyway on the MSVC stuff, I've compiled a libcurl.dll with zlib and ssl support:

please try if that works for you ...

Received on 2004-08-15