cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


ftp bin-mode in url

From: Gisle Vanem <>
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2004 16:48:46 +0200

This uses 'TYPE I' and then a 'RETR dir':
curl ftp://host/dir;type=I

This CWD to the correct dir, does a LIST, but uses TYPE A
curl ftp://host/dir/;type=I

I know the hosts ftp-server is a bit unusual since it allow
RETR of a dir (gives a "550 dir is not a plain file").

But libcurl should use 'TYPE I' when told to. I'm not sure where
it should be fixed (url.c or ftp.c), if at all.

Received on 2004-06-10