Re: 2 different problems
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 2004 16:14:45 +0300
waw already an answer ! :)
> On Wed, 2 Jun 2004, Matthieu BERTIN wrote:
> > 1/I cannot use the .DSW file to compile corectly the libcurl
7.11.2 with
> > MSVC++ 6.0
> Nope, it is broken. You need to fix it first. I believe there are a
coupld of
> files missing in there. You could also get the brand new 7.12.0
package, as I
> believe the ".DSW file" in this version works.
i will try it this afternoon
> > 2/ as i had to compile it, i used curl 7.11.0 and compiled it. And
it seems
> > that getting content type always return a NULL pointer...
> Can you provide a source code and URL showing your problem?
it is here,
but dont be afraid:
i know the code is ugly ,
but it was only meant to be a simple test...
> --
> Daniel Stenberg -- --
> Dedicated custom curl help for hire:
- application/zip attachment: