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RE: CURLOPT_UPLOAD: CURLOPT_INFILESIZE is not allocating requested filesize

From: Enrique Herrera <>
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2004 07:37:40 -0600

That's what I thought what I was seeing on my output. But when I turned on 'verbose' on curl, I see that the server is not responding to my upload. I am trying to have a 'asp' page accept my upload. Then, how do I have the web server execute the 'asp' page to accept my upload?

Here is my updated out put.

* Connected to foobarhost (
> PUT /receive/receive_test.asp HTTP/1.1
Host: foobarhost
Pragma: no-cache
Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, */*
file size=412257
getting data
size sent=2048 avaliable=2048 * 1 sofar=2048
getting data
size sent=51200 avaliable=51200 * 1 sofar=53248
getting data
size sent=51200 avaliable=51200 * 1 sofar=104448
getting data
size sent=51200 avaliable=51200 * 1 sofar=155648
* Closing connection #0
UPLOAD length?=0
Something went worng with curl. Error=23


-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf Of Daniel Stenberg
Sent: Saturday, April 17, 2004 4:00 AM
To: libcurl development
Subject: Re: CURLOPT_UPLOAD: CURLOPT_INFILESIZE is not allocating requested filesize

On Fri, 16 Apr 2004, Enrique Herrera wrote:

> I have libcurl 7.10.4.

> I am trying to use curl_upload. It it's not allocating requested file size.

libcurl doesn't "allocate" file sizes. Can you explain the problem using other

     Daniel Stenberg -- --
      Dedicated custom curl help for hire:
Received on 2004-04-19