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int64 printf format specifier in MSVC?

From: Daniel Stenberg <>
Date: Mon, 1 Mar 2004 15:01:30 +0100 (CET)


What's the %-flag for printf() to print a int64 variable when using MSVC?

I'm reverting the idea of using '%Od' for curl_off_t printf()ing, and I am
now going for:

 curl_off_t size=1000;
 printf( CURL_FORMAT_OFF_T, size);

... where CURL_FORMAT_OFF_T is properly defined in curl/curl.l next to the
code that typedefs the variable.

For POSIX-systems with large file support, CURL_FORMAT_OFF_T will be %lld.

This makes it easier for app coders to printf() the variables using non-curl
printf()s and it will stop compilers from warning on our custom %Od stuff. The
curl printf code supports %lld, and I'd want it to support the MSVC way too
(if possible, otherwise I'll redefine the define for internal libcurl

    Daniel Stenberg -- --
   [[ Do not send mails to this email address. They won't reach me. ]]
Received on 2004-03-01