cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


formatting hugehelp.c

From: Tor Arntsen <>
Date: Mon, 2 Feb 2004 17:17:10 +0100

Looking through my build log (
I noticed the following:

echo '#ifndef HAVE_LIBZ' >> hugehelp.c
/opt/freeware/bin/gnroff -man ../../curl/docs/curl.1 | /opt/freeware/bin/perl ../../curl/src/ ../../curl/docs/MANUAL >> hugehelp.c
gtroff: fatal error: can't find macro file an
echo '#else' >> hugehelp.c
/opt/freeware/bin/gnroff -man ../../curl/docs/curl.1 | /opt/freeware/bin/perl ../../curl/src/ -c ../../curl/docs/MANUAL >> hugehelp.c
gtroff: fatal error: can't find macro file an
echo '#endif /* HAVE_LIBZ */' >> hugehelp.c

The tmac package that comes with groff-1.17.2 on AIX doesn't have an.tmac,
however it does have andoc.tmac (the "modern" an.tmac, most of the newer
an.tmac's is just running andoc.tmac anyway, which again runs either
doc.tmac or an-old.tmac)

However AIX 'nroff' does have (nroff names the files differently),
but it doesn't have tmac.andoc. Go figure.

What about using '-man' if NROFF is "nroff", and '-mandoc' if NROFF is
"gnroff"? Would that create any trouble? My linux box has groff-1.18.1
with both an.tmac and andoc.tmac, but as I said AIX' groff only has
andoc.tmac. I checked around a bit, and groff seems to have andoc.tmac
on at least AIX, Solaris, Linux, IRIX and cygwin. IIRC andoc.tmac is
an original groff "invention", so it's probably always there.


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Received on 2004-02-02