cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


Changes for MPE/iX

From: Ken Hirsch <>
Date: Sun, 25 Jan 2004 21:12:29 -0500

Hello. My name is Ken Hirsch. I'm working on porting Curl-7.11.0
to the MPE/iX operating system (the OS for almost defunct HP3000). It's
a great progam. Thanks a lot.

I ported 7.9.8 earlier, but never submitted the changes. Now I'm trying to get the
ftps stuff to work.

There are a few changes I would like to make.

1. add <limits.h> to main.c
  Evidently that's already been added since pre1.

2. Change all the "mv" to "mv -f" in configure

  Otherwise I get prompted for confirmation every time mv overwrites an
  existing file, e.g. in the loop with "mv conftest.tmp"

  Some of the "mv" already have "-f", so I don't expect any problems.

  Rather than submit a patch, it would be simpler if you would just
    perl -i.bak -pe 's/\bmv +([^-\s])/mv -f $1/g' aclocal.m4
  and re-run autoconf.

3. Add the following three lines to lib/if2ip.c (if2ip.diff attached)
 #ifdef mpeix
 #define IOCTL_3_ARGS

4. Swap these two lines in lib/connect.c (connect1.diff attached)
    #include <sys/socket.h>
    #include <sys/types.h>
    #include <sys/types.h>
    #include <sys/socket.h>
  My OS is broken in requiring this, but I don't think there would be
  any adverse effect in doing this.

5. I need to call getsockopt(... SO_ERROR) to clear the EINPROGRESS
error after the connect call. Otherwise verifyconnect still gives an
error after the select(). I think the most logical place to put this
call is in waitconnect before the select().

So I added these lines at the beginning of the function:

#if defined(SO_ERROR) && !defined(WIN32)
  int err = 0;
  socklen_t errSize = sizeof(err);

  /* Clear any error condition on socket */
  getsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, (void *)&err, &errSize);

If you agree, please apply connect2.diff


That's all for now. Most tests pass, although a few do not, so I may
have more later.

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Received on 2004-01-27