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Re: Debugging tip for HTTPAUTH problem?

From: mitz wark <>
Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2004 11:10:22 -0800 (PST)

Hi Daniel and All,
Oh..I'm sorry I didn't occur to me this would be in the known_bug list.
Incidentally my co-worker discovered an alternative workaround although we don't completely understand why it works:
curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_NOBODY, (long) 0);
Apparently, NODOBY - 0 makes curl uses PUT in the request, insated of HEAD. And it works even if CURLOPT_FAILONERROR enabled. (I verified for Digest authentication).
The server is Apache2 on RH9. (if that matters).
Thank you,

Daniel Stenberg <> wrote:On Tue, 13 Jan 2004, mitz wark wrote:

> I hope this is not a too trivial question, but I am trying to make 'digest'
> authentication work by using these relatively new curl opt.
> curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_USERPWD, user_pass.c_str());
> curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, CURLAUTH_DIGEST);
> But appearantly, server is returning, HTTP401 to me, and always fails in this block in 'transfer.c'.
> if (data->set.http_fail_on_error && (k->httpcode >= 400))
> { ........ ..... ....
> }

You're experiencing a bug: CURLOPT_FAILONERROR doesn't work with a non-Basic
authentication! This is in fact mentioned in the KNOWN_BUGS document.

Fixing this flaw is not trivial, and this bug is still present in the current
development version.

The work-around is simply to not use CURLOPT_FAILONERROR for these cases.

Daniel Stenberg -- --
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Received on 2004-01-14