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libcurl - ssl with borland free compiler 5.5.1 success

From: <>
Date: Sat, 10 Jan 2004 11:23:49 -0800

Okay, I managed to build libcurl with ssl support using borlands free
5.5.1 compiler. After James's post to the mailing list at curl they
updated the makefile to include the missing .c and .obj files for
building on win32.

So I used the latest daily build and I added two symbols to Jaepil's
Makefile.b32 "DEFINES" variable : -DUSE_SSLEAY ,

After a couple more compiler crashes I added the following .c files to
the sources section in Makefile.b32 :
http_ntlm.c \
inet_pton.c \

and I added their corresponding .obj files to the Makefile.b32.resp

then .. change to the lib directory ... make -f Makefile.b32 ...

I then linked to the appropriate static libraries when compiling an
example file :

c:\curl_ssl\docs\examples\> bcc32 -L c:\curl_ssl\lib\libcurl.lib
-L c:\borland\bcc55\lib\psdk\ws2_32.lib
-L c:\openssl\out32\libeay32.lib
-L c:\openssl\out32\ssleay32.lib

Note :
for some reason, the getpass.c and getpass.h files are not in the lib
directory after unzipping. You have to grab them from the src directory
and put them in ..\lib before running make.

don't forget to add the path to your openssl\inc32 directory to the
Include path in bcc32.cfg

This compiled for me, though I have not set up certificates and tested

Thanks for your help .. here is a copy of the updated Makefile.b32

# $Id: Makefile.b32,v 1.10 2003/11/27 12:24:23 bagder Exp $
# Makefile.b32 - Borland's C++ Compiler 5.X
# 'lib' directory
# Requires 'Makefile.b32.resp'
# Written by Jaepil Kim,

# Setup environment
CXX = bcc32
RM = del
LIB = tlib
CXXFLAGS = -5 -O2 -w-aus -w-ccc -w-csu -w-par -w-pia -w-rch -w-inl
-w-ngu -w-pro -tWM

# 'BCCDIR' has to be set up in your c:\autoexec.bat
# i.e. SET BCCDIR = c:\Borland\BCC55
# where c:\Borland\BCC55 is the compiler is installed
LINKLIB = $(BCCDIR)\lib\psdk\ws2_32.lib
LIBCURLLIB = libcurl.lib


        base64.c \
        md5.c \
        cookie.c \
        transfer.c \
        escape.c \
        formdata.c \
        ftp.c \
        http.c \
        http_chunks.c \
        http_digest.c \
        http_ntlm.c \
        ldap.c \
        dict.c \
        telnet.c \
        getdate.c \
        getenv.c \
        getpass.c \
        hostip.c \
        if2ip.c \
        mprintf.c \
        netrc.c \
        progress.c \
        sendf.c \
 inet_pton.c \
        speedcheck.c \
        ssluse.c \
        timeval.c \
        url.c \
        file.c \
        getinfo.c \
        version.c \
        easy.c \
        strequal.c \
        strtok.c \
        connect.c \
        hash.c \
        share.c \
        llist.c \
        multi.c \

OBJECTS = $(SOURCES:.c=.obj)

        $(CXX) -c $(INCDIRS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(DEFINES) $<


        -$(RM) $(LIBCURLLIB)
        -$(RM) *.obj

$(LIBCURLLIB): $(LINKLIB) $(OBJECTS) Makefile.b32.resp
        -$(RM) $(LIBCURLLIB)
        $(LIB) $(LIBCURLLIB) @Makefile.b32.resp


#and here is the Makefile.b32.resp

+base64.obj &
+md5.obj &
+cookie.obj &
+transfer.obj &
+escape.obj &
+formdata.obj &
+ftp.obj &
+http.obj &
+http_chunks.obj &
+http_digest.obj &
+http_ntlm.obj &
+ldap.obj &
+dict.obj &
+telnet.obj &
+getdate.obj &
+getenv.obj &
+getpass.obj &
+hostip.obj &
+if2ip.obj &
+mprintf.obj &
+netrc.obj &
+progress.obj &
+sendf.obj &
+inet_pton.obj &
+speedcheck.obj &
+ssluse.obj &
+timeval.obj &
+url.obj &
+file.obj &
+getinfo.obj &
+version.obj &
+easy.obj &
+strequal.obj &
+strtok.obj &
+connect.obj &
+hash.obj &
+share.obj &
+llist.obj &
+multi.obj &

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Received on 2004-01-10