ares again
Date: Sun, 12 Oct 2003 11:18:46 +0200
Another SIGSEGV when using ares, in
#0 0x0812e44e in Curl_disconnect (conn=0x438d2cd8) at url.c:1319
#1 0x0812a8c1 in curl_multi_perform (multi_handle=0x81cbed8,
running_handles=0x81cb984) at multi.c:387
(gdb) up
#1 0x0812a8c1 in curl_multi_perform (multi_handle=0x81cbed8,
running_handles=0x81cb984) at multi.c:387
(gdb) p easy.result
(gdb) p *easy
$4 = {next = 0x4378f9d8, prev = 0x43872a80, easy_handle = 0x438611f0,
easy_conn = 0x438d2cd8, state = CURLM_STATE_WAITCONNECT,
result = CURLE_COULDNT_CONNECT, msg = {extmsg = {msg = CURLMSG_NONE,
easy_handle = 0x0, data = {whatever = 0x0, result = CURLE_OK}},
next = 0x0}, msg_num = 0}
(gdb) p *easy.easy_handle
$5 = {hostcache = 0x81cbf18, share = 0x0, set = {err = 0x40072580,
debugdata = 0x0, errorbuffer = 0x0, proxyuserpwd = 0x0, proxyport =
out = 0x4378fa08, in = 0x40072400, writeheader = 0x4378fa08,
set_url = 0x84bd750 "", set_proxy = 0x0,
use_port = 0, userpwd = 0x0, httpauth = 1, proxyauth = 1, set_range =
followlocation = 0, maxredirs = 0, set_referer = 0x0,
free_referer = 0 '\0', useragent = 0x81418ca "IXE Crawler",
encoding = 0x0, postfields = 0x0, postfieldsize = 0, ftpport = 0x0,
device = 0x0, fwrite = 0x80688c8 <WriteContentCallback>,
fwrite_header = 0x806899c <ProcessHeader>, fread = 0x804db68 <fread>,
fprogress = 0, fdebug = 0, progress_client = 0x0,
fpasswd = 0x80688b8 <PasswdCallback>, passwd_client = 0x0, timeout =
connecttimeout = 30, ftp_response_timeout = 0, infilesize = -1,
low_speed_limit = 500, low_speed_time = 15, set_resume_from = 0,
cookie = 0x0, headers = 0x0, httppost = 0x0, cert = 0x0, cert_type =
key = 0x0, key_type = 0x0, key_passwd = 0x0, crypto_engine = 0x0,
cookiejar = 0x0, cookiesession = 0 '\0', crlf = 0 '\0', quote = 0x0,
postquote = 0x0, prequote = 0x0, telnet_options = 0x0,
timecondition = CURL_TIMECOND_IFMODSINCE, timevalue = 0,
closepolicy = CURLCLOSEPOLICY_NONE, httpreq = HTTPREQ_GET,
customrequest = 0x0, httpversion = 0, auth_host = 0x0, krb4_level = 0x0,
ssl = {version = 0, certverifyresult = 0, verifypeer = 1, verifyhost =
CApath = 0x0, CAfile = 0x0, random_file = 0x0, egdsocket = 0x0,
cipher_list = 0x0, numsessions = 5, fsslctx = 0, fsslctxp = 0x0},
proxytype = CURLPROXY_HTTP, dns_cache_timeout = 300, buffer_size = 0,
private = 0x0, http200aliases = 0x0, ip_version = 0,
get_filetime = 0 '\0', tunnel_thru_httpproxy = 0 '\0',
ftp_append = 0 '\0', ftp_ascii = 0 '\0', ftp_list_only = 0 '\0',
ftp_create_missing_dirs = 0 '\0', ftp_use_port = 0 '\0',
hide_progress = 1 '\001', http_fail_on_error = 0 '\0',
http_follow_location = 0 '\0',
http_disable_hostname_check_before_authentication = 0 '\0',
include_header = 0 '\0', http_set_referer = 0 '\0',
http_auto_referer = 0 '\0', no_body = 0 '\0', set_port = 0 '\0',
upload = 0 '\0', use_netrc = CURL_NETRC_IGNORED, verbose = 0 '\0',
krb4 = 0 '\0', reuse_forbid = 0 '\0', reuse_fresh = 0 '\0',
expect100header = 0 '\0', ftp_use_epsv = 1 '\001',
ftp_use_eprt = 1 '\001', no_signal = 1 '\001',
global_dns_cache = 1 '\001'}, change = {
url = 0x84bd750 "", url_alloc = 0 '\0',
url_changed = 1 '\001', proxy = 0x0, proxy_alloc = 0 '\0', referer =
referer_alloc = 0 '\0', cookielist = 0x0}, cookies = 0x0, progress = {
lastshow = 0, size_dl = 0, size_ul = 0, downloaded = 0, uploaded = 0,
current_speed = 0, callback = 0 '\0', width = 0, flags = 16,
timespent = 0, dlspeed = 0, ulspeed = 0,
t_nslookup = 0.0030000000000000001, t_connect = 0, t_pretransfer = 0,
t_starttransfer = 0, t_redirect = 0, start = {tv_sec = 1065949274,
tv_usec = 395609}, t_startsingle = {tv_sec = 1065949274,
tv_usec = 395603}, speeder = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, speeder_time = {{
tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, {tv_sec = 0,
tv_usec = 0}, {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0},
tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}}, speeder_c = 0}, state = {
used_interface = Curl_if_multi, keeps_speed = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0},
connects = 0x42c18020, numconnects = 5, headerbuff = 0x43869500 "\030",
headersize = 256, buffer = '\0' <repeats 16384 times>,
uploadbuffer = '\0' <repeats 16384 times>, current_speed = -1,
this_is_a_follow = 0 '\0', auth_host = 0x0, session = 0x0, sessionage =
uploadbuffer = '\0' <repeats 16384 times>, current_speed = -1,
this_is_a_follow = 0 '\0', auth_host = 0x0, session = 0x0, sessionage =
scratch = 0x0, errorbuf = 0 '\0', prev_signal = 0, allow_port = 1
digest = {nonce = 0x0, cnonce = 0x0, realm = 0x0, algo = 0},
authstage = 0, authwant = 0, authavail = 0, areschannel = 0x438d3410},
info = {httpcode = 0, httpproxycode = 0, httpversion = 0, filetime = -1,
header_size = 0, request_size = 0, proxyauthavail = 0, httpauthavail =
contenttype = 0x0}}
Notice the unusual URL.
I am using cURL version 7.10.8 from CVS.
-- Beppe
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Received on 2003-10-12