curl.exe command in libcurl
Date: Mon, 1 Sep 2003 21:22:22 +0200
Hello everybody,
I might ask a stupid question, but I couldn't find a solution for my
problem so far:
Using curl-command-prompt utility I can upload a page with the following
curl -Fdata=@Readme.txt -Fmode=asynchron -Fsigntype=encapsulated -u
username:"pass!word" -o Readme.txt.sign
As result I get a signed file named readme.txt.sign (the destinationserver
holds a service where documents are signed)
Now, how do I implement the same using libcurl? I guess I might use the
curl-fromadd() Method
Can someone help me with this?
Thanks a lot,
Adrian Keller
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Received on 2003-09-02