cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


artificial file upload part with curl_formadd()

From: Mohun Biswas <>
Date: Tue, 19 Aug 2003 19:16:20 -0400


I'm using libcurl (7.10.6) to do a multipart file upload and it works
fine. But now I want one of those parts to be "fake"; in other words it
should look just like every other file upload part except that the
contents do not come from a file but rather from a buffer which I
provide. The part would look like this

        Content-Disposition: form-data; name="foo";\ filename="/full/path/to/foo"
        Content-Type: application/binary

        <data from a buffer, not from file "foo">

All the examples I can find show only how to do a "real" file upload.
I've tried various permutations without success. In particular the
documentation for CURLFORM_BUFFER ("followed by a string, tells libcurl
that a buffer is to be used to upload data instead of using a file..."
sounds good, e.g.

             res = curl_formadd(&(glb->hg_formpost), &(glb->hg_lastptr),
                     CURLFORM_BUFFER, pnp->pn_path,
                     CURLFORM_BUFFERPTR, strdup(lnkbuf),
                     CURLFORM_CONTENTTYPE, "application/binary",

Can anyone give a sample curl_formadd() invocation for this?

Mohun B

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Received on 2003-08-20