Re: callback function problem
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2003 10:17:43 -0700
I'll just take a wild guess and suggest that the problem might be
related to the need for a "this" pointer on your method.
You might try creating a C callback, and use the object's "this" pointer
as the callback's client pointer. Then the C callback just calls a
handler in the COM object where the actual work is done. Something like:
size_t FTPNetChannelProcessor::CurlHeaderCallback(void *aBuffer,
size_t aMemberSize,
size_t aMemberCount,
void *myObjectThisPtr)
return myObjectThisPtr->MyHeaderCallback(aBuffer, aMemberSize,
If you look at code automatically generated by VC6++ from a COM object's
type library, you'll likely see that there's a C as well as a C++
interface. You might be able to use that C interface instead in the call
shown above to your object.
Dave wrote:
> On Tue, 15 Apr 2003, Nelson Ricardo Gomes wrote:
> (I'm cc'ing this reply to the libcurl mailing list, please take follow-ups
> there.)
>>I'm doing a https post COM (ATL) and I'm having problems with the callback
>>function. I have tested the same code with standard C and it works fine.
> Then it sounds like there's a problem with your binding/adjustments.
>>I believe the problem is the callback address, It's not been called by the
>>libcurl. How can I make sure the address I pass to libcurl is correct, when
>>doing a COM object?
> I don't think I understand your problem.
> 1. If you would pass a bad address, then libcurl would still call that and
> you would most likely experience a crash.
> 2. I have no idea how COM objects work or how you're supposed to pass
> callbacks around using them.
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Received on 2003-04-15