cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


Thread failed to start - problem with perl on WIN32

From: Rotem Benny <>
Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2003 19:04:01 +0300 (IDT)


I was trying download the same page from the same server
in multiple threads (3 is the minimum).
Using libcurl (curl::easy) from perl on windows 2000.
I am passing the results to a callback function and getting time
parameters with $curl->getinfo() in a seperate function.

I always get an error output like this:

**thread created = 1
**thread created = 2
**thread created = 3
**thrCount = 4
**2 bytes 21173 redirect 0 time Mon Mar 31 17:50:11 2003 connectTime 0.01
**e 9.003 code 200

**thread failed to start:
** Error in perform: transfer closed with 409 bytes remaining to read***
**thread failed to start:
** Error in perform: transfer closed with 15905 bytes remaining to read***
**kill thread number 2

and then the program stops responding.
the $curl->errbuf message is : "transfer closed with 15905 bytes remaining
to read" OR (on other times) "Empty reply from server".

Does anyone have any idea?
I tried to cancel the callback function and to run the threads in one
function only and it still get the same error.


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Received on 2003-03-31