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Re: Asynch DNS (curl_split/curl_join)

From: J. Cone <>
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2003 09:20:22 +1200

That parser code is spread through lib/url.c.

In 7.9.5, it's in CreateConnection, starting at line 1247.

I've done a round of hacking in it, to resolve an interaction between
passwords in URL's and .netrc.

I could imagine recommending replacing some of that code with a generated
parser, if it can generate only identifiers fitting the curl naming
scheme. This would make it easier to track the RFC, if the input language
for the parser generator matched the language used in the RFC.

My project that needed it is temporarily quiet, so I am unlikely to spend
the time to do this.

J. Cone

At 13:24 18/03/2003 -0500, codemastr wrote:
> > It's actually a little funny that this whole thread of asynch DNS came
> > up today. Coincidentally, I was just tracking down some odd cases in how
> > I was using curl. I do my own DNS lookups and rewrite the url as
> > by codemastr:
>This made me think of another idea,
>CURLcode curl_split(char *url, struct urldata *data);
>struct urldata
> char *protocol;
> char *hostname;
> char *username;
> char *password;
> int port;
> char *file;
> char *query;
>Basically it cuts up a URL:
>curl_split("", &data);
>data.protocol = "http"
>data.hostname =
>data.username = "user"
>data.password = "pass"
>data.port = 80 (http protocol, therefore 80 by default)
>data.file = "file.html"
>data.query = "query=test"
>The reason I suggest this is yes, in a string like
>"" it is very easy to client side disect that.
>But URLs have numerous odd cases. For example when getting the hostname,
>many people will likely forget to check for [] (used when specifying an IPv6
>IP), also they may forget to check for a port, or for a user_at_password, etc.
>I guess some kind of curl_urldata_cleanup would be needed because you will
>probably need to free the memory allocated to the urldata structure, but
>that should be relatively easy to do.
>There would also be a reverse function say, char *curl_join(struct urldata
>Giving the data output from the call to curl_spilt, calling curl_join(data)
>would then return "". The
>user would then call curl_free() on the returned string when it is no longer
>needed. Again, this would have to take into account things like if hostname
>is an IPv6 IP, [] must be added, only include a port if it wasn't the
>default port.
>This would at least make the hack of modifying the URL to change the
>hostname to an IP to allow the user to control DNS to be much easier, plus
>I'm sure others would find uses for this type of function. And as I said,
>yes it could be done relatively easy on the client side, but URLs have some
>oddities that most people will likely forget to check. Plus I assume libcurl
>already has something internally that does something similar to these
>functions since curl will undoubtedly need to split apart a URL and possibly
>join it back together, so it would be much easier for you to just expose
>and/or modify these functions rather than have the user write them on
>his/her own.
>Any thoughts? Or does this already exist and I just overlooked it?
>-- codemastr
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Received on 2003-03-18