Having difficulty with https
Date: Sat, 19 Oct 2002 12:33:16 +0000
I've compiled libcurl and got the lib and dll and written a little console app to download a normal http site. However what I really want to do is https, i have followed the simplessl.c example got it to compile
however the result of the easy_perform is 1 (unsupported protocol). Now i think i have just missed something fundamental out and need a few pointers here to get this to work, there isn't much
documentation out there for this so i would happily write some when i work it out myself. I don't know whether anyone has already tried to and there is probably a very good reason why, but is there
anyway the whole https interface could be wrapped up a little more? I will probs end up trying to wrap it up so if anyone knows anything wrong with my plan could they give me a few shoves in the right
One more thing, what is the deal with me using libcurl? what i mean is, say i write an open source free proggie and in there somewhere libcurl is used, what license do i have to attach? do i have to put
a link to the homepage in the progie? or anything else?
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