cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


Curl and C CGI question

From: Cameron Guill <>
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2002 14:05:08 -0400

I have skimmed the last months worth of posts and didn't see anything
related to my problem so forgive me if I am reposting an already answered

I installed lib-curl on a HPUX 11 machine (in my home).
I am writing a c cgi wrapper for remote web page reading.
I compile fine with the lib-curl options and when I run the application
command line, I get back the data correctly.
 (cc htmtest.c -o
htmtest.exe -I/home/cguill/include -L/home/cguill/lib -lcurl)
When I try to run it as a cgi I get a server error. The logs show
"htmtest.exe produced invalid headers".

Now I checked for problems with the web server. I compiled with straight
gcc (cc htmtest2.c -o htmtest2.exe) on another c cgi that does a simple
display to browser and it ran fine.
I then compiled it with the lib-curl libs and it produced the same core
dumps as the htmtest.exe

This leads me to believe that the problem I am getting is a result of the
lib-curl libraries.

I logged in as another user and attempted to run the application in a
separate location (checking if it was a pathing problem or a user problem)
and received the same results.

Any ideas?


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Received on 2002-08-22