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Re: HTTP POST Memory...

From: Daniel Stenberg <>
Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2002 16:03:28 +0200 (MET DST)

On Wed, 19 Jun 2002, SHIRETU wrote:

> My form NEEDS a valid file (<INPUT TYPE="file" NAME="FileName">).

So don't simplify your needs then. You want this as a multipart formpost too,

> I just asked you how to simulate one in memory, how to read from a buffer
> instead from a file(ex: char *, CString, etc).

And I asked you in what ways curl_formadd() doesn't answer your questions.

> Let me give you an example:
> CString str="This is the content of a file";
> When i pass the string str to MyPost(CString URL, CString
> data_to_be_posted) function I want to be interpreted as a binary file
> (with a generated name if necesary) by cURL library.

You want to make a multipart formpost, yes.

> You can say now: "So, write a file with that content and pass it to
> cURL!!!".

Yes I can, and it used to be the only way we provided an easy way to do it,
but now I can also say: Chris Combes is your friend, as he made it possible
to do "file uploads" using multipart formposts with curl_formadd() in curl

Check the CURLFORM_BUFFER and associated options here:

    Daniel Stenberg -- curl groks URLs --
                   Bringing you mounds of caffeinated joy
                   >>>    <<<
Received on 2002-06-19