Longer FTP Uploads with Curl 7.9.8
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2002 16:12:30 -0400
I'm experiencing some new behaviour with using curl-lib 7.9.8 in my OS X
cocoa app. I just made the big move from 7.9.6 and am wondering about the
differences I'm seeing.
My app does alot of FTP transfers. I noticed that 7.9.8 was taking longer
to upload files than 7.9.6. After turning on verbose logging, I see why.
The connection is getting explicitly closed except for file uploads. If I
to some commands (CURL_POSTQUOTE, renaming a file), I see "* Closing
Connection #0". I see the same thing if I connect using 'NOBODY'. Only
when I upload (data actually gets transferred) do I see "*Connection #0 left
intact" posted. Then, of course, on the next activity I see "*Re-using
existing connection!".
I tried explicity setting FRESH_CONNECT and FORBID_REUSE to 0, wondering if
the default behaviour had changed, but that doesn't seem to affect the
Any thoughts as to what is going on?
Tom Mattison
Don't miss the 2002 Sprint PCS Application Developer's Conference
August 25-28 in Las Vegas -
Received on 2002-06-13