cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


Re: Curl help

From: Peter M. Perchansky <>
Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2002 07:36:25 -0400


Since I don't know C or C++, I don't know how to try it.

Do you have any example Perl code using curl_easy_getinfo()?

I do have the most recent versions (just installed yesterday).

Thank you.

"I just checked out the easy.xs code, and to me it looks as if
curl_easy_getinfo() is supported in the perl interface.

>Have you tried it? If so, how did you use it?
>Before we proceed, please make sure that you have a recent version of both
>curl and the Curl::easy module."

Peter M. Perchansky, President/CEO
Dynamic Net, Inc.
Helping companies do business on the Net
420 Park Road; Suite 201
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Received on 2002-04-25