Re: CURLOPT_STDERR option not customizable
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2002 19:06:14 -0500
Le 20 Mars 2002 18:39, Daniel Stenberg a écrit :
> On Thu, 21 Mar 2002, Daniel Stenberg wrote:
> > Or am I halucinating?
> Somewhat, yes! ;-)
> I mixed the STDERR with VERBOSE a bit at the end. The current VERBOSE
> output could probably instead be made to use the DEBUG* options.
ok I will resume all the stuff:
thereis :
CURLOPT_DEBUGDATA is set by default on STDERR (witch is made when we set it
to NULL, and of course at the beginning)
CURLOPT_STDERR is set by default on stderr (witch is made when we set it to
NULL, and of course at the beginning)
CURLOPT_DEBUGFUNCTION is set by default on my_debug() (witch is made when we
set it to NULL, and of course at the beginning), BUT it will reset the
CURLOPT_DEBUGDATA to CURLOPT_STDERR. The cause is that the callback change,
so the datat need it too (we presume it will be different type of data).
CURLOPT_DEBUGFUNCTION is used when the verbose option is on.
So then, the debug output will be set to stderr on default, but can be set to
others things.
at the same time all the errors (who are nedded to be printed on the "stderr"
will be printed on CURLOPT_STDERR).
Is it clear, or my brain is burning?
all this stuff is okay, or I am loosing my mind?
-- Jean-Philippe Barrette-LaPierre Programmeur-Analyste ProgSo Technologies ( on 2002-03-21