cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


Re: Problems in using curl library in multithread application.

From: Kord Campbell <>
Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 10:58:41 -0600 (CST)

On Wed, 13 Feb 2002, chicco wrote:

> I'm using Curl lib in my multithread application to fetch pages from the
> net.
So are we. What platform are you running/developing your application on?

> It is working all right until the number of fetching threads is more then 8.
> When the number of threads exceed 8 the application use almost 100% of CPU
> and works very very slow.
> Each thread is using it's own Curl object.
> This application use to operate O.K. using Wget (200 threads and more).
How are you communicating with cURL? We used wget as well before
converting to cURL, but it was by calling wget with a system() call.
We use the cURL libraries now, as you seem to be doing, and have zero
problems with running 100s of threads at the same time on Linux.

I could probably help out more if you could supply more information
about your current setup.

Received on 2002-02-13