cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


Problems with 7.9.4 and http-posts

From: Hanno L. Kranzhoff <>
Date: Fri, 8 Feb 2002 11:36:25 +0100

I just compiled and tested libcurl 7.9.4 on win32.
I'm using it to upload files via CURLOPT_HTTPPOST
and formadd() and CURLFORM_PTRCONTENTS to a Linux
server running PHP.

The last version I used was 7.9.2 which worked just fine.

There are 2 problems occurring with 7.9.4:
1) Removing the "Expect: 100-continue" header in the way
presented in the curl guide leads to a corrupted header
and sometimes crashes libcurl. Maybe there's some incorrect
length calculation ?
Removing the lines in libcurl source which automatically
add the "Expect:..." header for http-posts solves the problem.

2) Uploading more than one file using formadd() and CURLFORM_PTRCONTENTS
leads to corrupted formdata in the way, that only the first file
is being recognized by Apache.

I'm a little surprised as I didn't see major changes concerning
headers and formadd() between 7.9.2 and 7.9.4 in the changelog.

Did anyone else experience similar problems using 7.9.4 ?

Hanno L. Kranzhoff
Received on 2002-02-08