cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


Sizing down curl

From: Constantine Daicos <>
Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2001 14:40:21 -0400


I'm an amateur c programmer that is experimenting with libcurl. I have successfully compiled and run simple.c under windows, and was wondering if someone could give me a list of only the *essential* files from the library that are required to execute the command:

curl "wwwDOTanysitehereDOTcom"

The library is somewhat overwhelming, I'd like my first program using curl to be simple and small, and would therefore like to compile the smallest possible .dll.

Any help on how to create a standalone executable (not requiring a seperate dll at all) that performs the above would also be helpful.

Thanks in advance,
Received on 2001-08-17