
Pycurl and libcurl

From: André Cruz <>
Date: Sun, 05 Aug 2012 00:26:05 +0100


I have some questions about Pycurl and libcurl.

1- From what I read, libcurl is event-based, and I've noticed that the
thread that calls my READFUNCTION callback is not the same thread that
I used to call curl.perform(). Is this libcurl's event-loop thread?
This means that I cannot call blocking functions in that callback,
right? Does libcurl use only one thread for all its operations?

2- Libcurl supports pausing READ and WRITE operations, which I could
use instead of blocking in my callback, if that's not an option.
Pausing is not supported in Pycurl, it seems, but there is a patch to
add that support
( Is there a reason why this is not integrated yet in one of Pycurl's

Thanks for the help,

Received on 2012-08-05