
Re: PyCurl release for 7.19.2

From: <>
Date: Wed, 5 May 2010 10:40:22 -0700

On Tue, May 04, 2010 at 02:56:57PM -0400, Christopher Warner wrote:
> I'd like to make a 7.19.2 release by the end of the week which is
> essentially nothing but minor cleanups and fixes. I'll wait until Thursday
> or so.

It would really help us if you could keep the congruence between PyCurl
version and libcurl version. In the current scheme PyCurl 7.19.0 was
supposed to contain all of the interfaces in libcurl 7.19.0. Does this
mean that PyCurl 7.19.2 will have all of the interfaces in libcurl
7.19.2, but none newer? IIRC, libcurl is at version 7.20.1 right now.

> So, I've closed out most of the current bugs/issues from Sourceforge,
> cleaned up the website a tad bit and want to put out a minor release before
> adding things like Python 3 support and some other things. However I wanted
> to see if anyone has any dangling fruit they'd like to see committed in this
> release (minor cleanups and fixes only)

I'd be happy to review a patch if you'd like to send it to the list.

What's your plan for supporting Python 2 releases? Our project is using
Python 2.6, and plans to stay on the Python 2x branch for a while
longer. Will PyCurl support both Python 2 and Python 3, or are you
going to be taking a different approach?


Received on 2010-05-05