
Step up to fix pycurl?

From: Daniel Stenberg <>
Date: Tue, 3 Nov 2009 08:38:38 +0100 (CET)

Hi friends

I think perhaps it is about time what we/you approach Kjetil Jacobsen to get
some access rights in the project so that others can start to help out and
contribute these things. Like uploading/releasing new builds, editing the web
pages, committing source code and more.

Obviously Kjetil hasn't had the opportunity or the will to keep this project
up-to-date while I can see that there's a demand for it. It's been a while
since the last release and we see how more and more people suffer from this -
there are still quite a large amount of users and apps that depend on pycurl.

Personally, I'm not the right man to do this as I'm clueless about Python and

Received on 2009-11-03