
Re: Kerberos5 - GSSNEGOTIATE

From: Kjetil Jacobsen <>
Date: Thu, 18 May 2006 23:23:58 +0200


it would be helpful if you could provide some more information:

- the error pycurl gives upon setting the gssnegotiate option, or even
better code that reproduce the error (perhaps you have specified the
option the wrong way, and the code will reveal that)
- the curl commandline that works

    - kjetil

On 5/17/06, <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> This is my first post so I apologise if this too direct. I'm
> currently attempting to access an xmlrpc server I have written in
> mod_python/vampire, this is accessed via Apache2 which is kerberos
> V enabled.
> I can access the web pages using the curl command and the --negotiate
> option but I need this option within pycurl. I can see the
> HTTPAUTH_GSSNEGOTIATE in the pycurl.c file but it gives an error when
> attempting to set it as an option.
> I'm willing to test the functionality within our infrastructure, write
> documentation and make a donation to help with the work if this can be
> incorporated into pycurl.
> Best Regards
> Mark Roberts
> _______________________________________________

Received on 2006-05-18