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Re: PHP - CURL - Custom authentication script

From: David Colter <>
Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2011 10:32:19 -0400


Have you looked into Live HTTP Headers (a Firefox plugin)? In my experience with similar processes, there are many parts of the transfer that have to be 'just so' before the desired response comes back.

> I checked all cookies generated by cURL and I compared them to cookies created by Firefox (Firebug extension for cookies). They all look the same. I also double checked all of the $_POST variables. They all look correct.

Do you have curl verbose output turned on?
With the blank screen, what is the HTTP status code?

You might compare the curl verbose to the Live HTTP headers (headers tab) line by line and page by page and then pay particular attention to every character in the POST string. (Have your post string output to the verbose file, so you can see exactly what's was sent, then compare with Live Headers.) I've found that often my problem lies there in incorrect variables being posted. You've shown to have a very complex POST string.

I've also seen that sometimes variables returned from an intermediate page need to be included somewhere along the way. curlopt_followlocation, true sometimes will plow right through there causing something to be missed. This is were the page by page, line by line comparison will probably help you track the error in your script.

Best regards,


Received on 2011-03-29