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Re: Post Any Form / Unknown fields

From: William Crandell <>
Date: Tue, 2 Mar 2010 00:05:13 -0500

I will give is_array a go and inform when time is available.
Please correct me if I am wrong, but processing POST array is a very
dangerous practice if you do not trust the remote server. So if the remote
server might make a mistake or is untrustworthy then there is a problem,
otherwise it would not present a problem. I truly have 100% faith in the
remote server.

I do believe you are right about the single key with multiple values being
an issue, I will have to check further. The other thing you
mentioned urlencoding and stripslashing was why I could not process any form
to begin with until I did that, maybe this is not 100% true, will be check
this as well. I hope that I can make a single way to process all forms as
this would be allot easies to manage but the more I have been looking at
this and thinking about it, I am wondering if I will have to make multiple

Well as I was told growing up, "Never said it would be easy, just that it
would be worth it."


Received on 2010-03-02