cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-and-php / Single Mail


Parsing All Headers

From: Troy Davisson <>
Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2008 22:50:30 -0400

Hello all,

Within my application, I have a few different activities that involve cURL
which are causing some issues working together.

The first involves Digest authentication. With CURLOPT_HEADER set to true,
the message response comes back with a HTTP header chunk for the 401
message, HTTP header chunk for the 200 message and the response body all
returned as a single variable. This comes out to 3 distinct sections
divided by blank lines. If, after authentication, I'm fed a redirect, cURL
will follow it and introduce an additional HTTP header section causing even
more problems.

The second involves multipart messages. These don't come back in the same
request as the Digest authentication, so chunk #1 is the HTTP 200 headers,
chunk #2 is start of the response body, and chunk #3 is/can be seen as the
first boundary information from the request. Blindly doing
explode("\r\n\r\n", $response) to test for the correct pieces (like to find
the first that comes back that doesn't start with "HTTP") breaks up the
multipart message.

So to my question:

$response_headers = curl_getinfo($this->ch);

appears to do a good job parsing the "correct" (last) header chunk. The
issue I'm having is that the server sends back custom HTTP headers that I
need to capture and verify, and the information returned from a
curl_getinfo() request only includes the basic pre-defined headers. If I
can get that to return all of the headers from the last HTTP header chunk, I
can turn off CURLOPT_HEADER so I get back a clean response to be parsed
separately. If I can't do that, I think I'm left to manually parse the
entire response (CURLOPT_HEADER true) and figure it out from there.

http_parse_message() from pecl_http seems to be a possible solution, but I'd
rather not introduce another dependency in my project if I don't absolutely
need to.

Any suggestions or guidance is greatly appreciated.

Troy Davisson

Received on 2008-06-27