cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-and-php / Single Mail


Sending Large Files

From: Jacob Oliver <>
Date: Sun, 17 Jun 2007 18:31:52 -0400


I'm trying to curl a movie to a a php file and it won't send the file, I
believe this is because of file limits (a 1 MB file works and a 10 MB
file doesn't). I don't know if the problem is with curl or php though.

Here is my curl statement:
curl -F "video_file=@///Users/myname/Desktop/"

all headers look correct and like I said it works for smaller files.

file.php is just one line:
echo $HTTP_POST_FILES['video_file']['name'];

nothing gets written out
and I changed php.ini to allow up to 200MB file uploads and apache to
allow unlimited

any suggestions?

Thank you
Received on 2007-06-18