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need help with playing with a .net service

From: Michael Hamson <>
Date: Fri, 24 Feb 2006 22:56:56 +0300

I have the unfortunate job of trying to push data into a .NET web
service that (IMHO) does not seem to be configured correctly. If
anyone can help verify this and/or tell me what i am dong wrong... I
would GREATLY appreciate it.

I am trying connect to the server via https such as this:

$client = new soapclient('
WSDL', true,
                                                $proxyhost, $proxyport, $proxyusername, $proxypassword);

$err = $client->getError();
if ($err) {
        stringToFile(array_to_string( $param ), $path_toprocess, $GUID,
        LogTransaction($path_logs, $log_entry . ExplodeArray( $err ) . "\n");}

$client->setCredentials($ws_accountName, $ws_password, 'certificate');
$client->authtype = 'certificate';

$result = $client->call('AddVendorLead', array('parameters' => $param));

Now when you do a cURL of "cURL -k
service.asmx?WDSL" the

   <wsdl:service name="LeadUpload">
     <wsdl:port name="LeadUploadSoap" binding="tns:LeadUploadSoap">
       <soap:address location="http://webservices.server.local/
leadupload.asmx" />
     <wsdl:port name="LeadUploadSoap12" binding="tns:LeadUploadSoap12">
       <soap12:address location="http://webservices.server.local/
leadupload.asmx" />

and the soap transport has the following error message:

2006-02-24 22:52:33.317305 soapclient: transporting via HTTP
2006-02-24 22:52:33.318068 soapclient: sending message, length=1198
2006-02-24 22:52:33.317442 soap_transport_http: scheme = http
2006-02-24 22:52:33.317506 soap_transport_http: host =
2006-02-24 22:52:33.317561 soap_transport_http: path = /leadupload.asmx
2006-02-24 22:52:33.317632 soap_transport_http: set Host:
2006-02-24 22:52:33.317725 soap_transport_http: set User-Agent:
NuSOAP/0.7.2 (1.95)
2006-02-24 22:52:33.317802 soap_transport_http: set Content-Type:
text/xml; charset=ISO-8859-1
2006-02-24 22:52:33.317868 soap_transport_http: set SOAPAction:
2006-02-24 22:52:33.317942 soap_transport_http: Set credentials for
authtype certificate
2006-02-24 22:52:33.318008 soap_transport_http: Authorization header
not set
2006-02-24 22:52:33.318144 soap_transport_http: entered send() with
data of length: 1198
2006-02-24 22:52:33.318227 soap_transport_http: connect
connection_timeout 0, response_timeout 30, scheme http, host
webservices.server.local, port 80
2006-02-24 22:52:33.318294 soap_transport_http: calling fsockopen
with host webservices.waserver.local connection_timeout 0
2006-02-24 22:52:35.489132 soap_transport_http: Couldn't open socket
connection to server http://webservices.server.local/leadupload.asmx,
Error (22): Invalid argument
2006-02-24 22:52:35.489392 soapclient: Error: HTTP Error: Couldn't
open socket connection to server http://webservices.server.local/
leadupload.asmx, Error (22): Invalid argument

Is there anyway to work around this... or is it that I am doing
something very wrong? The .CER file is the private-root certificate
that I was provided.
Any and all help would be GREATLY.. I mean GREATLY appreciated. Feel
free to email directly if you wish...

Michael Hamson

Mobile: +7 (911) 719 4461
Home: +7 (812) 570-9110

ул. Глинки д.1 кв.80
Пушкин 189620

Received on 2006-02-24