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cURL PHP and Viaklix

From: <>
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 2004 09:59:00 -0500 (EST)

I'm trying to connect to the Viaklix payment gateway with cURL.

apparently they don't have proper RDNS records set up and that is causing
cURL to hang until the rDNS lookup times out.. Is there any way to disable
this lookup..

here was my response from viaklix..

""I haven't heard back from the networking guys, but the consensus here
is that he shouldn't need to try a Reverse DNS lookup. It's not
supported on any of our public IP addresses. Why is he attempting
that at all?

And yes, you are correct. We don't officially support direct
connections to IP addresses (as a matter of fact we highly discourage
it). There are security, redundancy, maintenance and load balancing
reasons behind this. This isn't just a viaKLIX thing, it's our
policy for all of our Internet sites and applications from this and
other departments.

Does anybody know of another way to submit a secure POST with PHP. I'm
ripping my hair out!!

thanks for your time

Received on 2004-03-12