cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-and-php / Single Mail


curl,php4 windows 2000, xml

From: Bennett <>
Date: Mon, 10 Nov 2003 09:59:44 -0500

Hi all,

We're running in to situation where we need to use curl/php to post xml
data on a windows 2000 system. We've verifiied that php and curl are
working on the windows 2000 server but when we try:

$command = "curl -d \"$xmlFile\" http://<host to post to>";

The host we're trying to post to doesn't accept the $xmlFile. We can do
a curl -i http://<host to post to> successfully so we know the server
is alive and accepting curl commands (or at least the curl -i command).

Also, before putting this code on the windows 2000 server, it was
working on a Linux server. (The same host we're trying to post to
accepted the xml file just fine. The only thing that was different in
the linux environment is that we had to put single quotes around the

So, does anyone have any suggestions on how to overcome this?


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