cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-and-php / Single Mail


is cURL my solution..?

From: Styve Couture <>
Date: Mon, 13 May 2002 10:38:12 -0400


I'm looking for a solution for my web developpement and I wonder if curl can offert me the solution that I need.

I'm on win2000, apache 1.3.13, php4.

The thing I have to do is.

Connect to a remote server to open a secure directory. I have to read files in this directory. But in php, I dont seem to find any way to acces a directory with a function that I can pass the user and password while I'm connecting. Not that this connection is NOT via SSL.

If I use opendir(), I cannot send anything else than the path.

So can sURL solve my problem...?

Thank for any help..



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