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Re: SSL problem

From: Daniel Stenberg <>
Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2001 17:01:54 +0200 (MET DST)

On Wed, 22 Aug 2001, SDowell wrote:

> I'm trying to retrieve a web page php and cURL using openssl.
> The response I get is:
> * Your connection is using a weak random seed!
> * Closing live connection (#0)

That's the verbose output, it doesn't (necessarily) mean the operation will
fail. None of them are error or failure messages.

I thought they were supposed to be turned off by default, Sterling?

> I can run the following from the command line and it works perfectly.
> c:\curl\curl -u arri_sd:rgXnnnyG

If you use the -v option, you'll see the 'weak random seed' message there
too. You really should consider using --random-file or --egd-file.

> My code is:


Looked fine to me!

    Daniel Stenberg -- curl groks URLs --
Received on 2001-08-22