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Re: uploading a file

From: mehran j via curl-users <>
Date: Tue, 29 Sep 2020 09:22:38 +0000 (UTC)

 Thanks for your reply,
It  should upload a csv file with date stamp onto WebDev cloud directory.the date adding part to the file works fine. however, it seems CURL have problem uploading test_$a.csv file. if I give the file test_20200929.csv name CURL command upload the file without any problem onto destination.
Mehran On Friday, 25 September 2020, 17:41:48 BST, Paul Gilmartin via curl-users <> wrote:
 On 2020-09-25, at 07:58:55, mehran j via curl-users <> wrote:
> In a shell scrip.
> date
> a=`date '+%y%m%d'`;export a
> 2. Then script that runs creates  the new test.csv file
> 3. mv /directory/test.csv /directory/test_$a.csv
> 4. curl --user user:password -T '/user/directory1/test_$a.csv'  'https://webcloud/directory1/directory2/'
> 5. mv yesterday's test_date.csv file onto processed directory.
> The CURL bit is not working unless it like curl --user user:password -T  '/user/directory1/test_20200925.csv'  'https://webcloud/directory1/directory2/'
> ie: exact name for the csv file like test_20200925.csv rather than test_$a.csv

I'll revise my suggestion:

set -x  # Keep a log (but where does it go?)
a=`date '+%y%m%d'`;export a  # looks good.

# Then use quotation marks instead of apostrophes:
    curl --user user:password -T "/user/directory1/test_$a.csv" 'https://webcloud/directory1/directory2/'

-- gil


Received on 2020-09-29