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Illegal return code

From: Коваленко Анатолий Викторович via curl-users <>
Date: Tue, 25 Aug 2020 09:51:41 +0300

Code 33 not match the situation. Sorry my English, please.

The source link is:
This link require the redirection. The redirection is to RANDOM of multiple servers.
After the last lost connection the redirected link was:

The cURL options are:
-A "Mozilla"
-C -
-D Dump.txt
-L --max-redirs 1
-w %{JSON}

The answer of REDIRECTED server is:
HTTP/2 404
server: nginx/1.14.0 (Ubuntu)
date: Tue, 25 Aug 2020 04:44:15 GMT
content-type: text/html
content-length: 178

The cURL wrote:
curl: (33) HTTP server doesn't seem to support byte ranges. Cannot resume.

Received on 2020-08-25