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Re: Sending ASCII commands to a device

From: Rainer Canavan via curl-users <>
Date: Sun, 2 Aug 2020 15:24:38 +0200

On Sat, Aug 1, 2020 at 7:58 PM Kaya Saman via curl-users
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a device which is an ASCII HVAC (air conditioning) Wifi gateway
> and I'm trying to use Curl to send commands to it.
> I'm not sure if it has a RESTful API or not as very little information
> is given. The developer documentation for the protocol says this:

There's very little information because the protocol is indeed that
trivial. There' s no HTTP or anything else between the simple ASCII
commands and TCP. Just use netcat / nc, e.g.

(echo ID; echo LOGOUT) | nc 3310

Received on 2020-08-02