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Re: A very difficult download

From: Patrick M. Hausen <>
Date: Wed, 22 May 2019 10:20:47 +0200

Hi all,

> Am 22.05.2019 um 09:59 schrieb Pierre Brico <>:
> For you information, video files are often split into several pieces to be played by a browser. The URL you gave (with playlist.m3u8) should contain the playlist of resolution available for the video. For each resolution, you have an URL (usually chunklist.m3u8) with a list of all chunks belonging to the video. If you want to download the full video, you have to download all pieces (media_0.ts, media_1.ts, ...) using curl and afterwards, put them all together using a tool like ffmpeg ( Here is an example of command line: ffmpeg.exe -f concat -i listOfChunks.txt -acodec copy -vcodec copy movie.mp4 with listOfChunks.txt like:
> […]

Or in the OP’s case possibly just use Clipgrab:


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Received on 2019-05-22